I got this steps from
However, the link to the download page was wrong. Here are more updated steps:
1. Download the latest Boost installer from BoostPro Computing: http://www.boostpro.com/download/
2. Install the setup:
Select whatever mirror you like and VS version you are working with.
[X] Mulithread Debug, DLL --DLL Debug, required when BOOST_DYN_LINK defined.
[X] Mulithread, DLL --DLL Release, required when BOOST_DYN_LINK defined.
[X] Mulithread --LIB (for CRT DLL) Release, default in Release.
[X] Mulithread Debug --LIB (for CRT DLL) Debug, default in Debug.
[X] Mulithread, static runtime --LIB (for CRT LIB) Release.
[ ] Mulithread Debug, static runtime --LIB (for CRT LIB) Debug.
[ ] Single thread, static runtime
[ ] Single thread Debug, static runtime
3. Add Boost to the include and library folders of Visual Studio:
Go to the menu Tools > Options...
Go to Project and Solutions > VC++ Directories
Add to your Include files: C:\Program Files\boost\boost_X_XX_X
Add to your Include files: C:\Program Files\boost\boost_X_XX_X\boost\tr1
Add to your Library files: C:\Program Files\boost\boost_X_XX_X\lib
Path inclusion: If you use Boost DLLs (rare) you may add C:\Program Files\boost\boost_X_XX_X\lib to your system PATH.